Re-evaluation of the risks to public health related to the presence of bisphenol A (BPA) in foodstuffs – Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity

Introduction- (BPA) in foodstuffs – Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity


Last updated: 09 March 2023


1.             The Health Outcome Category “Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity” is considered in section 3.1.6 of the EFSA opinion.  This paper is extensively based on the draft opinion and aims to provide a summary of the information covered in the chapter along with additional information where available. A number of the endpoints were taken forward for BMD analysis and it is noted in the main opinion that changes in ovarian follicle ratios was the second most sensitive endpoint and, had a TDI been set on this, the population would have exceeded it by 2-3 orders of magnitude.